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AVIO has qualified as a "Conscious ESG Identity"

AVIO has qualified as a "Conscious ESG Identity" in the Identity Corporate Index (ESG.ICI) 2024, a project of ET.Group-the Esg knowledge company, which measures the degree of integration of ESG factors (Environmental, Social and Governance) factors in the governance and identity companies' corporate governance.
This important recognition is the result of a ESG survey, in which the top 100 companies listed on the Italian Stock Exchange, and in particular the companies that in 2023 published the Non-Financial Statement and the top 50 companies unlisted industrial and service companies.
The ESG Identity Corporate Index attests to the ability of the company to expose itself and signals the activation of a serious path of ESG-driven transformation and evolution of its Identity. This represents a further achievement that highlights the concrete and constant commitment of Avio in the area of sustainability.